About EaseSocial

We have developed a social media monitoring and management tool. It automates your social media campaigns on all major social media networks and allows you to view all the online conversations about your brand and products in real time.


3X quicker publishing
by enabling posts to Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin with a single click.
5X faster monitoring
of your brand, competitors, and industry in your social media.
25X greater reach
by amplifying your campaigns through influencers.


Social Media Monitoring
Social Media Monitoring
Track your brand mentions on social media and measure performance against competitors
Social Media Publishing
Social Media Publishing
Publish to hundreds of social media pages with a single click
Amplify Campaigns
Amplify Campaigns
Identify and connect with industry influencers and amplify your posts through them
Analyze Performance
Analyze Performance
Get insights into social media performance and measure ROI.

Products, which solve complex business problems!


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